Monday, February 29, 2016

22 Minute Hard Corps Program

You get everything you need to get your best results:

  • Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology—the superfood protein shake that helps give you energy, reduce cravings, and accelerate your fitness results—delivered on Home Direct, a monthly autoship program.
  • The 22 MINUTE HARD CORPS program, featuring 8 workouts on 2 DVDs, Tony's 8 Week Basic Training Action Plan, his Rations for Results Nutrition Field Guide, a variable-resistance Beachbody® PT Sandbag, and optional Hell Week Challenge Card to send your Hard Corps results over the top.
  • A FREE 30-Day Trial Membership in the Team Beachbody Club, so you can start streaming 22 MINUTE HARD CORPS workouts, and more than $4,000 in other proven Beachbody workouts, plus find all the support you need to succeed in your challenge. After your 30-Day Trial Membership is up, you will be billed quarterly for Club Membership, which you may cancel at any time.**
  • Plus Super Discount shipping (and SAVE OVER $12) every month.

8 workouts on 2 DVDs

Now you can "Get Some and Get Done!" in just 22 minutes a day. These workouts look basic, but they'll work your body to the max. And the results? Absolutely epic.
Resistance 1. These are 5 simple moves, but with 3 back-to-back rounds, the challenge is intense. That's how you get results in just 22 minutes a day.
Cardio 1. This 7-move workout gets your heart pumping from Minute One. Keep up with the platoon and earn a massive calorie burn.
Core 1. It's called "Hard Corps" for a reason. Get ready to work your lower back, abs, and obliques in this epic, 10-move drill.
Resistance 2. Did I hear you ask for more? Here it is. More resistance. More sweat. More muscles recruited.
Cardio 2. This is basic training, but there's nothing easy about it. It's 3 rounds of 7 exercises, just like Cardio 1, but these moves will push your limits even further.
Core 2. You've survived Core 1. Now the reps are doubled - to test your limits and maximize the burn.
Resistance 3. This workout takes the intensity up a click by adding plyometric strength training to challenge your endurance.

Cardio 3.
 Alternates between floor work and plyo moves for 3 hard-driving rounds. Your mission is to deliver every rep.

Join me on Facebook in my private test group! Apply below

22 Min Hard Corps Video:



Thursday, February 25, 2016

22 Minute Hard Corps

Baily my nephew left for military camp and I'm trying out the new 22 Min Hard Corps military style workout by Tony on Beachbody on Demand!
This is for you Bay! Tony Horton has gone to several military bases and trained the troops.
It comes out March 1st. I think I can handle 22 minutes! 💪🏻
There's been a lot of you asking me about the 21 Day Fix program too, the sale ends this month on my site. FYI ‪#‎GetAfterYourGoals‬ ‪#‎YoureWorthIt‬


I'm starting a training group for those wanting to work from home! 
If you:

-enjoy fitness
-enjoy helping others
-can work hard & consistently 5 hours minimum a week
-love working with a team and are coachable
-like to travel ⚓️💁🏼

Then fill out the form to find out more -

I'll be sharing start up costs, daily activities of a coach, how-to's, objections and more!

I wanna hear about you're passion and dig into your WHY that drives you.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Zucchini Lasagna Rolls

Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes


Ricotta Filling

  • 8 ounces part skim ricotta cheese
  • 4 oz low fat cottage cheese
  • 3 tablespoons parmesan cheese
  • 2 tablespoons fresh ground leaf parsley
  • 1 tablespoon fresh basil
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)
  • Black pepper to taste

Other Ingredients:

  • 2 large zucchini cut lengthwise into 8 (1/4 inch thick) slices
  • 1/2 lb lean ground hamburger, cooked and crumbled (optional) (I make extra meat the night before for leftovers for this) (1 Italian Turkey Sausage, Optional)
  • 1 cup marinara sauce 
  • 1/2 cup shredded part skim mozzarella  cheese

Ricotta Filling 
1. Add all of the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.
2. Pour into a bowl and refrigerate until ready to use. 

Grilled Zucchini
3. Heat a grill or grill pan to medium high heat. 
4. While the grill is heating, slice the zucchini lengthwise into 1/4 inch thick planks.
5. Spray with cooking spray or brush with oil both sides of the zucchini planks, then sprinkle with salt and pepper. 
6. Place the zucchini on the hot grill and cook for about 2 minutes on each side or until the zucchini is soft and pliable.
7. Remove from the grill and cool until they can be handled.

Assembling the Zucchini Lasagna Rolls 
8. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
9. Spray a 10.5 x 7' casserole dish or similar size with cooking spray. 
10. Spread a 1/4 cup of marinara sauce evenly over the bottom of the dish.
11. Spoon about a tablespoon of the ricotta filling onto one side of the zucchini and spread it into an even layer.
12. Sprinkle a few of the cooked sausage crumbles on top of the filling.
13. Roll up the zucchini and place them seam side down in the casserole dish. 
14. Top the zucchini rolls with the remaining marinara sauce and shredded mozzarella cheese.
15. Bake in the over for 20-25 minutes or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.  

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I felt the sudden need to share this today. It's crazy for me to look back at this photo of me on the left! 🙈
THAT was me. Depressed, lacked self-esteem, didn't exercise, didn't eat very healthy, didn't eat. under stress, was alone, divorced, quiet and stopped love from coming into my life.

The biggest thing I learned from going to a therapist last year which I didn't EVEN REALIZE till it was over was that I ALLOWED him to help me. I accepted the compliments he gave me instead of believing "he was just paid to do that" I learned to let more love into my life instead of putting up a wall and look where that's gotten me! It's only brought more happiness to my life! 💁🏼
Sooooo this is MY Beachbody transformation Tuesday.
I LOVE the photo in the middle as I was surrounded by a team. I feel it shows me finally busting out of my shell and not letting fears of judgment hold me back anymore.
On the far right I had completed almost a dozen workout programs, read over a dozen or 2 personal development books and so on and was leading MY OWN company/team party.
Another coach posted today about how Mother Teresa struggled with intense emotional turmoil and even doubt about her very own spiritual beliefs that she had shared publicly. God uses the small and weak.
I think that no matter where we are WE have the ability to lift someone else by sharing our life experiences. {That's what my team and business is all about.} And you can do so without pretending your life is perfect.
Cause mine certainly is NOT.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year New You!

Scott and I paid ..... $14,000 in extra debt this year, I traveled to Nashville, and a beach house in Florida with my coaching team, all paid for, I traveled with my family to a lake house in northern AZ,  I helped customers lose weight, I've helped coaches start and grow their business and increased my income. 

My goal this year?! Is to help more people gain success. 

I'm starting a new 2016 Goal Getter Group! The main focus will be Health & Fitness BUT we'll also be setting goals based off personal preference such as personal/financial/business/spiritual.

You'll learn about
Healthy eating,
Home workouts from Beachbody, Gain Support and
All the tools you'll need to get the body you've been wanting. 

AND... I'll be starting a new Business Coach Training.